Individual Therapy
Do you want to conquer self doubt and be happy? I can help you move from distress and emptiness to creativity and aliveness. Together, we will galvanize the healing power within you so you can discover new ways of being in the world. My style of therapy is warm, collaborative and playful. I don’t presume to know who you are, but will join you in discovering who you are meant to be. We will work to understand what you’ve been through and how those experiences have shaped you and the negative beliefs about yourself. The goal is to break free and to live from your true self that is untouched by any trauma.
Group Therapy
Group therapy is a rich, dynamic experience with unique benefits. We deal with groups in all aspects of our life. We are born into a group, we work in groups and we play in groups. In group therapy, we improve our ability to connect with others, we learn to love and fight more effectively. We find the courage to be vulnerable, to be honest, to set boundaries and to speak up when something is wrong. By offering helpful and robust feedback, group members encourage us to change relational patterns that cause suffering. The goal of group therapy is to live out loud.

Couples Therapy
Does your connection need rewiring? Has your relationship gone from romance to roommates? You want a fun, supportive, sexually alive relationship. But you often end up feeling hurt, disappointed, unloved and alone. I can help you identify and clear away blocks to the relationship you and your partner want. You can learn to change the relational patterns that throw you into despair and to make even the most difficult conversations constructive and connected. Healthy intimacy is a key ingredient to inner peace.
Transcending Trauma
I compliment my psychoanalytic work with an outstanding trauma model called Internal Family Systems (IFS). Created by Dr. Richard Schwartz, IFS is a non-pathologizing therapy grounded in the idea that each of us carry the innate power to heal trauma. Like Freud and Jung, IFS understands the mind as a multiplicity of parts with conflicting attitudes, agendas and perspectives. Some parts carry trauma, other parts try to protect us from getting hurt again. At the center of our psyche, is the true Self, an essence untouched by trauma. This therapy offers concrete steps to transform critical parts and to free wounded parts from the burdens of shame, terror and worthlessness. Stronger relationships create more inner harmony so that we can tap into curiosity, confidence and compassion toward ourselves and others.

Is Psychoanalysis for You?
Forget about penis envy, cigar-smoking shrinks and other outdated stereotypes. Contemporary psychoanalysis is a cutting-edge treatment that frees people from emotional pain so that they can be more confident, creative and openhearted. This intense process –three to four sessions a week – is not for the faint of heart. If you have a longing for deep understanding of yourself and others, if you want to change and grow but have not found the help you need from other types of therapy, psychoanalysis may be for you. You and I will develop a relationship that makes bearable the unbearable, and that will make conscious unconscious ways you shoot yourself in the foot. We will build a foundation that will launch you into the life that you envision for yourself.
I offer supervision on a weekly basis for clinicians who are looking for more insight into their work with patients. In this endlessly fascinating work, we inevitably get pulled onto the stage with our patients and act out their dramas. And we unconsciously pull our patients onto our stage where our childhood histories are replayed. Our emotional worlds collude and collide. That’s a given. The question is how to work with these complex feelings in a way that’s generative. I am committed to creating an atmosphere of mutual trust so that you can discuss the difficulties and triumphs in your work with openness. I offer constructive feedback, both positive and negative, and alternative ways of understanding you patients.